Category: Transportation

Transportation Projects Get Positive Nod

Governor Deal gave us  a preview of an independent transportation study on 11 major projects planned for completion in the next decade and the results are good. The complete study by Cambridge Systematics, a nationally recognized firm, is due for release later this month. “These results are a testament to the positive impact this investment

Here’s an Idea

I think everyone would agree that traffic congestion in metro Atlanta is so complex that it will need multiple options to make significant reductions in travel time. The existing and under construction toll lanes, bus rapid transit and other public transit, staggered work hours, car pools and a host of other ideas will work in

GDOT Stretches Road Dollars…Into Economic Development Win

Governor Nathan Deal is expected to announce that Australian firm EdenCrete Industries will be locating it’s US manufacturing headquarters in Augusta Georgia. The plant is expected to create 230 jobs initially, with expansion plans for additional growth opportunities in place. EdenCrete is an additive for concrete that was recently approved for use in GDOT maintenance

Aaron Barlow Sends Mailer To Cherokee Residents To Make Case Against Fulton/DeKalb MARTA Bill

Aaron Barlow, Republican primary challenger in Senate District 21, doesn’t like Senator Brandon Beach’s (R-SD-21) MARTA bill that affects Fulton and DeKalb Counties, but he has decided to take his fight against the Beach’s bill to Republican voters in Cherokee County and is apparently sending out mailers to Republican voters in Cherokee County against Senator

Transit Support Growing While Funding Still Elusive

This week’s Courier Herald column: At a meeting in Athens held in conjunction with the Legislature’s biennial 2014 gathering, Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle somewhat surprised those in attendance by stating “We cannot avoid the issue of transit.” During the following 2015 legislative session, a bill to provide roughly a billion new dollars per year for

Obama Taps MARTA CEO for White House Post

Keith Parker is riding a first class train to the top. On Monday, MARTA announced that it’s CEO, Keith Parker, will be nominated by Barack Obama to the National Infrastructure Advisory Council.  President Obama said in a prepared statement: “I am honored that these talented individuals have decided to serve our country. They bring their years