Category: Transportation

Sympathy for the 18 Wheeler

Atlanta has a traffic problem. And don’t boo me for stating the obvious. My concern is not for the suburbanites who are delayed an extra half hour on their commutes home. Georgia’s economy is largely dependent on another type of traveler, albeit an unpopular one. This is a driver who might have forced you into

Atlantans to Vote on Being Ninth Most-Taxed City in U.S.

“Shall an additional 0.4 percent sales tax be collected in the City of Atlanta for 5 years for the purpose of transportation improvements and congestion reduction?” That’s the TSPLOST measure the Atlanta City Council approved 13-to-1 on Monday. ATLiens are also set to consider an additional half-penny sales tax increase for MARTA in November meaning

Independence Has Responsibility – And Consequences

This week’s Courier Herald column: Next week we’ll celebrate Independence Day, the day the American colonists said “enough” and chose to split from the rule of a foreign king. Our forefathers saw opportunity in charting our own destiny by providing more freedom rather than less – both economic freedoms and those of personal liberty. Last

Streetcars – Yes, No, Maybe?

In May GDOT Commissioner Russell McMurry gave Atlanta and MARTA the Tuesday deadline to come up with their plans to address 60 problems outlined in recent audits. According to the AJC’s Dave Wickert, the city has submitted more than 2500 pages that responded to 41 of the 60 problems that needed addressing to avoid a

Senator Isakson Asks For Federal Funding to Relocate St. Marys Airport

Today, Senator Johnny Isakson announced that he has filed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will secure federal funding to relocate St. Marys Airport away from the nearby Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base. From Senator Isakson’s press release: The current location of the Camden County, Ga., airport has for years raised

Your Summer Preview of Waiting in Lines at Airports

Hartsfield-Jackson is the busiest airport in the world, funneling more than 100 million travelers through its terminals in 2015. To prepare for an increase in travel this summer, Georgia Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue have requested at least 100 additional Travel Safety Officers (TSO) from the head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Peter

GDOT Threatens Street Car Shut Down

The Georgia Department of Transportation has threatened to shut down Atlanta’s beleaguered street car. The AJC’s David Wickart has the details: In a letter to Mayor Kasim Reed and MARTA CEO Keith Parker on Monday, the Georgia Department of Transportation gave the city until June 14 to submit plans to address 60 outstanding problems outlined