College Park Election Marks a Milestone

College Park, Georgia was incorporated as a city in 1891.  One hundred and twenty nine years later it will swear in the first woman and first minority mayor in its entire history.  Bianca Motley Broom was elected overwhelmingly in the municipal run-off election last night.   Beating out longtime incumbent Mayor Jack Longino.  Longino faced a

Morning Reads for Wednesday, December 4

Georgia Watch every second of Johnny’s Farewell Speech to the Senate. Johnny Isakson has two things in Georgia: friends and future friends. Councilman Van Johnson defeated incumbent Savannah Mayor Eddie DeLoach Billy Yearta narrowly bested Jim Quinn, both Republicans, in HD 152 (Leesburg) Hide your children for the fight that begins tomorrow Mitch McConnell and

How Do You Want To Spend $173 Billion?

The only catch is that the money is to update the Atlanta Regional Commission’s long-range regional plan. Public comment is open until December 13 for the ARC wishlist with projects lasting until 2050. Before you run over to the ARC’s website a few important points About $33 billion in federal, state and local funds is

A Few Thoughts On The Reaction To Georgia’s Newest US Senator

First of all, congratulations to Georgia’s new junior US Senator Kelly Loeffler. Second of all, congratulations to Governor Brian Kemp for joining the #RINO club. Don’t worry, Mr. Governor, you’re in fine company. The cries of how Governor Kemp’s appointment of an alleged “#RINO” has ramped up before Thanksgiving. Him appointing an alleged #RINO makes

Morning Reads for Tuesday, December 3

Good morning, and a tremendous thanks goes to Holly for covering the past two Tuesdays! Please keep sending those positive thoughts and prayers to President Carter. The holiday season is upon us, and there’s no better time to revisit this excellent piece on the emotional labor required of the women (it’s almost always the women)

President Trump Qualifies for the 2020 GOP Ballot

The GAGOP announced today that President Donald Trump was the only candidate who qualified to appear on the party’s 2020 presidential primary ballot. Republican Chairman David Shafer explained the party’s two-part qualification process: a significant level of support among Republican voters in Georgia and an “unambiguous” pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee in the

The Politics of Freezing To Death

Atlanta released a report that appears to show a major increase in hypothermia deaths over the last year. Everyone has an opinion about what is happening here. Some of those opinions are even informed. The short answer is that I think the report may simply be wrong. It’s also entirely possible that I am wrong.