Morning Reads for Friday, April 8, 2022

Some welcome redecorating. There’s some golfy-type thing going on in Georgia. New express lanes bring tolls back to GA 400. Pray for South Georgia. All of Georgia, really. Make it stop. Malware/botnet disabled worldwide before any trouble started. (Am I the only one disturbed with the GRU reference? Another Disney slip?) Does anyone want to

Morning Reads -Thursday, April 7, 2022

Peaches  Kemp, Raffensperger lead in latest polls  But Herschel > Warnock  Meanwhile, Perdue says Trump is going to help him finish the drill Checking in with Georgia’s ‘election superheroes’ The hospital war grows over northwest Georgia Per usual: medical marijuana bill dies in the state senate  An embarrassing display of restitution  Message in a bottle

Representative Calvin Smyre, Dean of Georgia House, To Give Farewell Remarks This Morning

There will be a lot of institutional knowledge leaving the capitol this evening when the gavels bang Sine Die. None of them have served longer than Representative Calvin Smyre of Columbus. First elected in 1974, he’s served as a member of the majority and minority parties. He’s humble, but wields quiet power when needed and

Morning Reads – Thursday, March 31, 2022

Peaches What the heck is going on in Georgia higher ed? Jackie Johnson wants her charges dropped Opinion: Georgia at the tip of the spear How lawmakers plan to revamp Georgia’s behavioral health care system Georgia lawmakers gut controversial elections bill Georgia farmers paying price for Ukraine invasion Insurance Deal Spurs Georgia Mental Health Bill

Morning Reads for Tuesday, March 29

Good morning! Today is Legislative Day 37. Times are… weird. Submitted for your consideration: Yesterday, as the Senate Finance Committee considered the tax cut that passed the House earlier in the session, they lobbed a last-minute change to the (arguably very successful) state film tax credit. The big, transformative mental health bill (that has been

It’s the Republican fight over…everything. 

This week’s Courier Herald column: At least we’re fighting.  It’s all we seem to know how to do these days. The fights of each party take on different tones and use different weapons.  Today’s focus is the fighting nature of Georgia “conservatives”.  Air quotes are used because the word seems to have as many meanings