Morning Reads for Friday, January, 7, 2022

Well done, good and faithful servant. RIP Johnny Isakson. What comes first? The movie or the music? Oh, good grief. We’ve come to this. Yes, Facebook is evil. You can order those dreadful, frightening children’s books for your kiddos right here. Big Brother in your new car. As if the roads weren’t dangerous enough… Y2K22.

Morning Reads for Tuesday, January 4

Good morning! It’s 2022. If you aren’t vaccinated, please consider the vaccine. If you’re vaccinated but have held off on getting boosted, don’t delay. And good news: everyone age 12 and up is now eligible for a booster 6 months after their second dose! See, COVID is no joke, and this omicron variant is ragingly

Morning Read for Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 has been a difficult year for many of us. So many things to say, but will anyone listen? Music, scripture, writing, and reading other’s good writing have always soothed my soul. Your milage may vary. One of my favorites is Gerard, proprietor of American Digest. Following him for years, I’ve read the adventures of