Two Additional Statements from GA Delegation on State of the Union Address, Including a Democrat

Sandford Bishop (D, GA-2):  “The President spoke of bipartisanship, and I hope this sentiment is sincere. However, he must abandon his divisive rhetoric, and put action behind his words. In the next week, we must avoid another disastrous shutdown and keep the government open. I urge the President to support the efforts of the bipartisan, bicameral conference committee

Georgia House Overwhelmingly Votes To Name New Judicial Complex After Governor Nathan Deal

Earlier today, the Georgia House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to name the new state judicial complex being built after former Governor Nathan Deal. Only two state representatives voted against House Resolution 1: Rep. Matt Gurtler (R-Tiger) and freshman Rep. Colton Moore (R-Trenton). First legislation passed in the Georgia House this session names the new judicial

Matt Barton Wins House Seat Held By The Late John Meadows

Most of the news is focused on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address and former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ rebuttal. Abrams’ speech has probably occupied most of the #gapol space tonight, but there was an election today to fill the seat held by the late Representative John Meadows. In today’s special election

GA Delegation Reacts to State of the Union

Sen. David Perdue (R): “Tonight, President Trump laid out a very powerful vision for our country that continues to build on the successes of the last two years. Many Americans are seeing increased paychecks, more opportunities, and brighter futures for their families. The economy is growing at twice the rate it did under President Obama,

Morning Reads for Tuesday, February 5

Good morning. Again: New Orleans will never get over it. (Nor should they.) Stacey Abrams, who is about as unflappable a politician as ever lived, will deliver the rebuttal to Trump’s SOTU address tonight. Here are the top 10 public and private schools in Georgia. Chatham County split with Savannah – and crime in that

Georgia’s Television Taxes Need Updating

This week’s Courier Herald column: When it comes to my television watching habits, I’m still a bit old school.  I’ve yet to “cut the cord”.  My television signal comes to me over traditional cable.  Except it’s not, really. It’s actually a service that piggybacks off of my broadband internet system.  It’s relatively new technology available