Former Congressman Mac Collins Has Died

Word is going around this afternoon that former Congressman Mac Collins has died. He served in Congress from 1993-2005, arriving in DC two years before Newt Gingrich (who had represented much of what became Collins’ district) became Speaker with the Contract With America. Mac was my Congressman when I began to dabble in “organized” politics,

Doug Everett Resigns PSC Seat; Rep Jason Shaw Appointed To Complete Term

Public Service Commissioner Doug Everett is resigning his District 1 seat effective at the end of the year. Governor Nathan Deal has named Representative Jason Shaw, Chairman of the House Appropriations Transportation Committee. Shaw’s House seat will require a special election. The PSC seat will be on the statewide ballot in 2020, when Shaw will

Morning Reads for Tuesday, November 20

“The eagle’s a scavenger, a thief, and a coward! A symbol of over ten centuries of European mischief! The turkey is the truly noble bird. Native American. Source of sustenance of our original settlers. An incredibly brave fellow who will not flinch at attacking a regiment of Englishmen! Singlehandedly! Therefore, the national bird of America

Brian Kemp Announces Transition Team

This morning, Governor-elect Brian Kemp announced his transition team. There are a few names of note including former HHS Secretary Tom Price, former Congressman Bob Barr, former GAGOP Chairman Alec Poitevint, and current PSC Commissioner Tricia Pridemore. Also, Virginia Galloway from the Faith and Freedom Coalition is on the policy committee…which may be a signal

Governor Elect Kemp and Speaker Ralston on Abrams’ “Announcement”

In response to Stacey Abrams’ concession, Governor-elect Brian Kemp issued the following statement: “Moments ago, Stacey Abrams conceded the race and officially ended her campaign for governor. I appreciate her passion, hard work, and commitment to public service. “The election is over and hardworking Georgians are ready to move forward. We can no longer dwell

Abrams Concedes Governor’s Race

Ten days after the election, Democratic candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams, announced at 5:00 p.m. at a press conference at her campaign headquarters that she is conceding the Governor’s race. As part of her remarks, she stated that Georgia had failed its voters. She shared stories of problems people experienced while voting. She laid the

Abrams Launches New Ad About Voting Day Problems

Despite an ethics complaint filed by the Georgia Republican Party against her for running ads and calls from Brian Kemp for her to concede, Stacey Abrams has issued a new ad entitled “Problems.” SCRIPT: Reporter: There were a lot of problems at the polls. Reporter: Three voting machines were sent, but eight were supposed to