Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 19

Good morning! Here’s how the Georgia’s three gubernatorial candidates feel about the continuing immigration (and humanitarian) crisis within our borders. Trump is steadfast with his immigration message – but even the Mooch is like, “Bro, chill!” Bless their hearts. Georgia is losing the battle against invasive plants – and it’s way beyond just kudzu. Pro tip: if

Jamie Dupree Finds A New Voice

Those of you who listen to WSB in Atlanta may remember newscasts with Washington updates from Jamie Dupree.  Jamie lost his voice in the spring of 2016 due to a medical condition called “Tongue Protrusion Dystonia”.  The condition leaves, as he explains in this blog entry from last December, him with a strained, strangled voice. 

A Lesson On Distracted Driving

This week’s Courier Herald column: Sunday was Father’s Day, and I spent the morning giving my niece a driving lesson. She’s been doing quite well, and is almost ready for her driver’s test next month – even if her mother and grandmother are not. She’s not terribly interested in politics at her age, but she

Monday Morning Reads – June 18

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you had a relaxing weekend. As silly as this sounds, I agree with that video game addiction is real. Know your fireworks law. Also, don’t be a jerk on July 4th. Jackson Street Bridge has long been a meeting ground for suburban whites and tacky tourists. Now they’ll have a

Republican SoS Candidates Don’t Support Gambling/Boxing in Georgia

If the Republican Secretary of State hopefuls defeat John Barrow, there will be no heavyweight title fights in Georgia. One of the may facets of the SoS office, and unfortunately the most forgotten one, is that s/he is the boxing commissioner for the state of Georgia. Georgian boxing aficionados were intrigued by the Chris Christie