Morning Reads – Thursday, May 17, 2018

On this date in 1954, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled for school integration in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka. The ruling declared that racially segregated schools were inherently unequal. Peaches Second place spot still up for grabs 2 weeks post-crash and military plan wreckage is finally cleared Williams makes Fortune All Georgia cities at

Georgia Southern’s President Hebert Leaving Position After Only Two Years

The University System of Georgia (USG) announced today that Georgia Southern University (GSU) President Jaime Hebert will resign his position on June 30, 2018 after serving as GSU President since July 1, 2016. Shelley Clark Nickel, USG executive vice chancellor for strategy and fiscal affairs and treasurer for the Board of Regents, will serve as Georgia

Cagle Goes After Decatur’s Sanctuary Policies

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle is not happy with the actions of the Immigration Enforcement Review Board (IERB) after they adjourned a hearing of a complaint filed by Cagle without taking any action. Cagle is upset that Decatur has defended “its decision to order police officers not to arrest violent felons.” Cagle states the the city

Morning Reads with a Gardening Reflection

I say it every year around this time but it does always surprise me just how quickly flowers take off and veggies start producing fruit. And most important–it will disappear even quicker. “Kiss an Angel Good Mornin” by Charley Pride is one of the five finest country music songs.  Georgia State, Leading U.S. in Black

Michael Williams Going on a Deportation Bus Tour

Sen. Michael Williams, Republican candidate for Governor, has announced the “Michael Williams Deportation Bus Tour.” The objective of the tour is “to shine a light on the dangers of sanctuary cities and the overwhelming problem of illegal immigration.” Williams hopes to “expose how dangerous illegal aliens ruin local economies, cost American jobs, increase healthcare costs,

Stop the Presses! Sen. Isakson Says Save the Papers!

Good news, everyone! Johnny Isakson sponsored legislation to help protect newspapers and publishers. The so-called PRINT Act “would suspend the import taxes on uncoated groundwood paper while the U.S. Department of Commerce examines the health of—and the effects on—the printing and publishing industry.” Let me save the Commerce Department some work: the printing/publishing industry is unfortunately

Morning Reads for Tuesday, May 15

Good morning! If today’s Morning Reads seem a little heavy on the NYT, that’s because, well, they are. The Grey Lady recently covered everything from how Georgia State is an engine for upward economic mobility for minority students, to SCTV, goths at Disney, and since the Tuesday Reads are a reflection of what interests me,

Former Mayors & Local Leaders Release Statements on Evans’ Weak Record

Former Decatur Mayor Elizabeth Wilson, former Lithonia Mayor Marcia Glenn Hunter, and Georgia AFL-CIO  Secretary-Treasurer Yvonne Robinson issued statements of concern in regards to “Stacey Evans’ record on public education, higher education, and race.” Former Decatur Mayor Elizabeth Wilson: “Candidate for Governor Stacey Evans pretends to be a champion for people of color, but her