Morning Reads for May 2

This is about the time I start paying attention to standings in baseball. That is good news for the Braves. “How Do You Do” by Mouth & MacNeil is western culture’s zenith.  Science: Acuna’s hall of fame chances are better than you think.  Isakson Distances Himself From Trump. David Perdue talks farm bill in Tifton. 

Tippins Goes After Cagle Again in Newest TV Ad

Tippins states: “Casey Cagle spent thousands of taxpayer dollars to charter private flights around Georgia to ‘beat the traffic’ even after raising taxes statewide by a BILLION dollars a year to ‘fix’ Atlanta traffic congestion. I’m a Navy SEAL and a business executive who has led major tech companies around the world. I don’t fly

Vincent Fort Endorses Stacey Evans

Wait, what? Not sure anyone saw this coming but here we are. On Tuesday, Former Senator Vincent Fort, noted rabble-rouser and Chief Berniecrat for the City of Atlanta endorsed Stacey Evans. Why, you may wonder, did Fort choose to endorse the white candidate over the black candidate? Many of the same reasons Fmr. Sen. Emmanuel

My Semi-Conspiratorial Theory on Atlanta’s Cyber Attack and Corruption Investigation.

Get your tinfoil ready, folks because this one is gonna be a doozy. The cyber attack that crippled Atlanta (to the the tune of 2.7 million-plus taxpayer clams) six weeks ago continues to reverberate and it all feels a bit too convenient. Just after we learn about former Mayor Kasim Reed’s questionable bonuses it turns

Morning Reads for Tuesday, May 1

Good morning! That jangling sound you hear is my charm bracelet; James Avery died yesterday. He was 96 years old. Most Georgians give Delta, Amazon, and Governor Deal a thumbs-up. Will he, or won’t he? Governor Deal will start signing – and vetoing – legislation this week. Fort Frederica has its first archaeological digs in

Kemp’s Commercial Could be Criminal

As a prosecutor, I prosecuted dozens of individuals, who pulled out a weapon and pointed it at someone with the intent to cause fear in that person.  Some of those people are likely still in jail.   As a defense attorney, I have defended individuals at trial who were accused of aggravated assault when they pulled

Happy Birthday Theresa

It’s Theresa Robertson’s birthday today. Not to be confused with the celebration of Brian Robinson’s birthday, even though they’re on the same day and both are alums of former Congressman Lynn Westmoreland. Theresa holds down our Columbus bureau when she’s not trying to get her husband, Randy Robertson (R-all around great guy) elected to the