Morning Reads for April 25, 2018

Anyone else still dillydallying when it comes to planting their garden? “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” by the Beach Boys Jimmy Carter Knows What North Korea Wants David P: Trump’s North Korea Policy is Working Essence puts Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms on it’s “Woke 100 Women List”  Hank Johnson predicts Dem takeover in Nov., “a lot” of

Isakson: “Serious Allegations” Postponing Jackson Confirmation

Johnny Isakson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, and Jon Tester, the committee’s ranking member asked the White House to submit all documents related to the accusations of misconduct from Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson (the letter is below). He was, you will recall, the nominee to be the next Secretary of the Department

Morning Reads for Tuesday, April 24

Good morning! Today’s the deadline to register to vote in the May 22 primary. Several statewide candidates, including one named Stacey, attended the NAACP candidate’s forum in Savannah this past weekend. There was horror in Toronto yesterday. The City of Atlanta engaged two former Georgia AGs for open records cases. Public servants – teachers, first responders,

Cagle Releases Two New TV Ads for Governor’s Race

Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, the Republican frontrunner for Governor, released two new TV ads this weekend. The first ad, entitled “Hand,” focuses on Cagle’s efforts to “transform Georgia’s education system.” Cagle states: “Education is the great equalizer. My public school education allowed me to find great success despite a tough upbringing, and I want to

SoS Candidate Buzz Brockway Goes Full “Nerd” in Campaign Video

Republican Secretary of State hopeful, and erstwhile GAPol/Peach Pundit contributor, Buzz Brockway wants to remind you that he’s a nerd. (That’s like needing a reminder that water is wet). Oh and he’s qualified to be Secretary of State. Brockway released his “Buzz Does” campaign video on Monday, which you can see below. In a statement,

Georgia inspired Federal prison reform?

In 2012 the Georgia General Assembly implemented prison reform initiatives that at least one Congressman hopes will serve as a model for similar Federal prison reform. 9th District Congressman Doug Collins makes the case in his April 20 op-ed for the Georgia Public Policy Foundation. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee (and announced

Kemp Announces Diverse ‘Voting System Review’ Commission

Secretary of State Brian Kemp has announced his list of appointees for the newly created SAFE Commission on Georgia’s voting system. The acronym ‘SAFE’ stands for Secure, Accessible & Fair Elections. The Commission is charged with conducting ‘thorough discussions on all options – including the feasibility of using all hand-marked paper ballots to all electronic machines with