Morning Reads for March 21

Remember when northerners scoffed at Atlanta shutting down due to a little bit of snow? Well they can’t deal with it either. Washington Post: GSU Once Again Shows Why NCAA Tournament is Special.  Good Housekeeping(!): I Honored My Father by Meeting Jimmy Carter  GSU’s Graduate Programs Continue to Climb Rankings  What Would Karl Marx Write

Georgia Lawmakers Poised to Declare Porn a ‘Public Health Crisis’

Georgia lawmakers will vote on a resolution Wednesday that would declare pornography a public health crisis in the Peach State, if passed by the body. House Resolution 447, sponsored by Representatives Paulette Rakestraw, Dominic LaRiccia, Jan Jones, Scott Hilton, Jason Spencer, and Joyce Chandler, says pornography that “harms beyond the capability of the individual to address

Morning Reads for Tuesday, March 20

Spring is here! The latest on the Austin bombings. A devastating and fascinating report on what race – not class – means for outcomes if you’re a black boy. Several voter advocacy groups are concerned with the latest iteration of Georgia’s voting machine legislation. Trump’s budget includes massive cuts to TIGER grants and other essential

Monday Morning Reads — March 19, 2018

Happy Monday, everyone! News by the Numbers $50,000 IRS debt – Candidates for governor filed their personal financial disclosures, and it’s already creating one headache. Stacey Abrams deferred her tax payments in 2015 and 2016. Brian Kemp also reported millions in debt. $24,540 per job – Mercedez-Benz opened their new Sandy Springs headquarters with the help

#SchoolWalkOut Done Right

Last week I posted the viral embarrassment of a Fulton County school during the #SchoolWalkOut.   The teachers or administration of the North Fulton school gave the students the right to speak — only if the students spoke about things that made the administration happy.  With two additional school walk outs planned in the near future,