Morning Reads for Friday, March 9, 2018

A gracious lady. Harper Lee letter collection headed to Emory. KSU in the news again. The Bleat features Jesup, sadly (below the fold). Great balls of fire! Time to channel your best Admiral Akbar. The maths, it is hard. Eeeeewwww. Oldest message in a bottle was discovered in Australia. Turning off the noise. Is it

Day 4 Qualifying

The fourth day of qualifying has drawn to a close. Rep. Rob Woodall still has not qualified for re-election in GA-7, but it is my understanding that his responsibilities in the House Committee on Rules has prevented him from qualifying so far, but that he will be qualifying. In other Congressional races, Reps. Tom Graves

Republican Governors Association: Stacey Whoever is Wrong for Georgia #gagop

The Republican Governors Association (RGA) has gone on the offensive against both Democratic gubernatorial candidates Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans. They have launched a radio ad and a digital campaign highlighting the two Stacey’s support for tax hikes and big government programs. The RGA has a website set up at that will be a

Facebook To Build New Data Center In Newton County

Governor Nathan Deal announced today that Facebook will be building a 1 million square foot data center in Newton County. The $750 million investment will net at least 100 new jobs over the next five years according to a press release issued by the Georgia Department of Economic Development. There is much buzz about Atlanta

Collins to seek Judiciary Chair

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, 9th District Congressman Doug Collins has notified House leadership of his intention to run for Chair of the powerful House Judiciary Committee next year. The position will open with the pending retirement of Virginia Congressman Bob Goodlatte. While not in line from a seniority standpoint, the number of recent