Biden, Collins Lead in New Poll

In a brand-new poll shared with The National Journal‘s Hotline, Joe Biden leads President Trump and Rep. Doug Collins will maybe head to a runoff with Sen. Kelly Loeffler. The poll was conducted by Public Policy Polling (538 rating: B) for End Citizens United. In the presidential matchup it’s Biden’s 49% to Trump’s 45. The

Gov. Kemp to Sign Hate Crimes Bill Today

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp will be joined by Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, Speaker David Ralston, and other distinguished guests this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the North Wing of the State Capitol to sign House Bill 426. The event will be streamed on Governor Kemp’s Facebook page at

Morning Reads for Friday, June 26, 2020

And there was great rejoicing. No furloughs for state employees. We all need a break. Let’s go. Green tomato pie, yumyum.  We know so little. World’s fastest super-computer is Japanese. Minority Report, all over again. Economics and historical memorialization. Save the trees! A taste of Mordor. Honestly, The Bee is sounding more like real news

Budget Deal Reached: Furlough Days Averted

It’s a most unusual budget during a most unusual session of the Georgia General Assembly. The Conference Committee report on the FY 2021 Georgia state budget has been signed, and for state employees and local school systems, it’s better than expected. Given that much of the tax generating engines of the state were closed for

Morning Reads – Thursday, June 25, 2020

Today is the 58th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling stating that the use of unofficial non-denominational prayer in public schools was unconstitutional. Engel v. Vitale became a landmark case which has been cited over and over and over again ever since. Peaches Taking the slow road: exploring Georgia’s Ocean Highway In Augusta, a

Record-Setting Day Of New Coronavirus Cases

On June 23 there were 1,872 new coronavirus cases in Georgia. That broke the record of 1,598 on April 7. (Maybe the only good news is the seven-day average of new deaths is, near-ish to it’s lowest point since the outbreak began in earnest?) You will recall, the day after setting the new-cases peak in

State Senate Approves Plan To Boost Rural Broadband; State Launches Internet Speed Project

Rural broadband has been a hot topic over the last few years, and the transition to online instruction due to COVID-19 has shown real gaps in areas that do not have access to high-speed Internet access. The Georgia Senate passed legislation that would allow the state Public Service Commission to regulating how much electric co-ops

Morning Reads for Tuesday, June 23

Good morning! “We are worse off than when we started,” stated the Mayor of Savannah as the city considers mandatory masking in response to a continue uptick in COVID-19 diagnoses. Throughout Georgia, poultry and agriculture workers may be the most at risk for COVID-19 outbreaks. The House version of the maternal mortality bill moved forward