Georgia Reopening Scope Expands

Governor Kemp updated the progress on Georgia’s re-opening this afternoon with an expansion of businesses that will be allowed to open – all after meeting new guidelines to minimize the possibility of spreading disease. A few highlights gleaned from the twitterverse: Bars and nightclubs can re-open June 1. If you’re not quite there yet, in-person

Sakrison Signs Term Limit Pledge – Gets Attacked Anyway

Incompetence from a well intentioned group, or a grifting operation supporting one candidate while pretending to be an “independent” expenditure committee? In the case of U.S. Term Limits and the race for Georgia House District 71, it could be either. Maybe both. As is custom, interest groups spend the time between qualifying and an election

Columbus Candidate for District Attorney Arrested on Felony and Misdemeanor Charges

Arrest warrants, both felony and misdemeanor, have been issued for Columbus attorney Mark Jones who is challenging current District Attorney Julia Slater. Jones turned himself in today, going live on Facebook sporting a bulletproof vest because “as we know, the police are trigger happy these days and I don’t want to get shot.” Over the

Reads for Tuesday, May 26

Good afternoon! Time is a flat circle. If you live anywhere near the coast, you should be preparing for hurricane season now, because buying supplies and evacuating are different in the era of COVID-19 than they ever were in years past. More on how – and why – to prepare early. If you think you’ll