23.5% of Truett – McConnell University graduates finish within six years.[i] The rest – don’t finish at all. Truett – McConnell has an excessively high transfer rate and an excessively low graduation rate for four-year bachelor’s degree. In 2013, the traditional graduation rate for the small christian college was only 13%. That means 87%
The decision to change the rules about how NFL players should conduct themselves during the National Anthem occurred at a meeting in the Buckhead area of Atlanta. Miles away from the shiny, new, convertible topped Mercedes Benz stadium, a decision was made that not only affects football but affects the core of American culture. Football
One of my favorite offbeat stories to come out of the Beltway in the past month involved George W. Bush’s former assistant secretary of commerce, Bruce Mehlman, declaring this period the New Gilded Age. Mehlman produces quarterly reports for his clients at Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas on the current climate, and this quarter, he